The election came off the heels of one of the largest convenings of undocumented Asian and Asian American and Pacific Islander (undocuAPI) youth. In partnership with ASPIRE Los Angeles (ASPIRE LA), APALA supported more than 40 undocuAPI youth from across the country to build with labor leaders and draw connections between mass deportation, mass incarceration, and other forms of criminalization in our communities. Trina Lei Pasumbal, ASPIRE LA CORE member, said, “A lot of amazing things came out of this year’s APALA convention, we were able to build with labor and our new found undocuAPI community, and it was amazing to see Yves taking on a new leadership role. It’ll make a positive impact on the undocuAPI movement and I’m excited for what’s to come.”
Gomes, a pharmacy technician and proud union member, was supported by the leadership of his union. UFCW 400 President Mark P. Federici added, “Our members understand the devastating impact our broken immigration system has on working families. While Congress has failed to act to address this crisis, leaders like Yves continue to step up to fight for the rights of all hard-working men and women. We couldn’t be more proud of Yves and we know he will make a valuable contribution to the board of APALA.”
“It’s important for APALA to be grounded by those directly impacted by the issues we champion. From rank and file workers to women to youth of color and undocumented youth, we believe these voices should be uplifted at levels of the organization.” stated APALA National President Johanna Puno Hester. “We welcome Yves Gomes to the board and know that he will be a critical voice as we continue to advance worker, immigrant and civil rights.”
Yves Gomes said, “I am honored to be on the National Executive Board of APALA and I am astounded at APALA’s boldness in investing their trust in me as a young worker who is also undocumented. With my position on the board, I want to serve my undocumented and labor communities in fostering meaningful and strategic dialogue between each other so our movement can grow. I am incredibly humbled at the opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters in APALA, fellow young workers, undocumented youth and represent my union, UFCW Local 400.”
To set up an interview with Yves Gomes, Trina Lei Pasumbal or Johanna Hester, contact William Chiang at [email protected]. Visit for more information.