APALA National President Monica Thammarath of the National Education Association stated: “When working people stand together, we have more power. The entire case was a political maneuver to attack our freedoms and rig our economy in favor of the corporate interests. Instead of protecting working people’s ability to negotiate on the job, especially with an administration that has already betrayed workers in favor of corporate greed, this ruling will rollback progress that helped level the playing field for working families, including Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) workers and families.”
APALA Executive Director, Alvina Yeh, added: “This is a huge blow to the labor movement. Workers deserve to have the freedom to stand together in their unions and have a voice on the job. Today, the same dark web of corporations and wealthy elite that has attacked the LGBTQ community, women, and immigrants has won again and trampled on our rights as well as the voices of working people. We will not back down on the fight for our rights to organize and collectively bargain nor will we stop building power for our immigrant families and communities.”
Johanna Puno Hester, APALA 2nd Vice President and International Vice President of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), concluded: “The list of benefits that unions provide and have provided is long. From raising wages to ensuring workers health insurance and other benefits, unions continue to improve the working place for workers everywhere. Despite today’s decision, we will continue to organize and fight back against this decision, and we demand that our elected officials now recommit to working people today by making it easier to join together in unions.”