APALA 1st Vice President Kim Geron stated: "What the GOP has done will have dire consequences for millions of working people throughout the country, including the Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) community. Instead of passing a clean DREAM Act for undocumented youth at risk of detention and deportation, the GOP continues to prioritize the insatiable greed of corporations and billionaires at the expense of those fighting for their lives."
"The self-serving GOP is clearly out of touch with its constituents and their families who depend on crucial services like public education, healthcare and other essential public services," added APALA Executive Director Alvina Yeh. "This bill will increase taxes on working families in the long run while continuing to pad the pockets of the ultra-rich and feeding into the growing wedge of financial and racial inequity between the rich and the poor. As the budget is negotiated, it is critical that Congress include a clean DREAM Act that recognizes the invaluable contributions undocumented immigrants have on our communities. Without a clean DREAM Act, the GOP will continue to betray immigrant communities aligning itself with a white supremacist agenda."
Geron concluded: "We are sick and tired living in an economy that is rigged in favor of corporate and wealthy interests. We need every single vote in 2018 to rid Congress of elected officials who do not accurately represent the interests of the people. The GOP should watch out -- we are coming in full force. Our fight is not over."

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