Alvina Yeh, Executive Director of the Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance (APALA), AFL-CIO asserts, “We are outraged to learn that on the eve of Black History Month, the Administration expanded the Muslim Ban to include nearly a quarter of the African population. This is anti-Black and anti-worker. We cannot shut our doors while Rohingya Muslims are persecuted in Myanmar (Burma), the people of Eritrea live in fear under government oppression, and LGBTQ folks are under state violence across the globe. We are in solidarity with working people globally and that means fighting for working people and their families to move freely and live safely.”
APALA urges Congress to end this immediately by passing the NO BAN Act. The NO BAN Act would repeal the Trump administration’s cruel Muslim Ban and further limit this or any future administrations to do something similar ever again.
Below please find ways to take action and support the NO BAN Act:
- Learn more and sign the petition
- Amplify on social media. Click here for a digital toolkit with sample posts and graphics.