Worker Resources in response to COVID-19
List of COVID-19 Resources |
Know Your Rights |
We have a new resource to support workers impacted by COVID-19: check out our compilation of resources that we're updating on a daily basis. From worker relief funds to in-language resources and organizing opportunities, we are keeping you updated on ways to get assistance and provide mutual aid to all workers.
My boss has cut my hours or laid me off because of the Coronavirus crisis. What can I do?
English | Cantonese | Mandarin | Tagalog | Burmese | Arabic | Vietnamese | Nepalese | Spanish My boss is still requiring me to work during the Coronavirus crisis, but I do not think it’s safe. What can I do? English | Cantonese | Mandarin | Tagalog | Burmese | Arabic | Vietnamese | Nepalese | Spanish What if I get sick or I am quarantined? English | Cantonese | Mandarin | Tagalog | Burmese | Arabic | Vietnamese | Nepalese | Spanish |
Am I Safe at Work?
Resources to Organize your Workplace during COVID-19
We are partnering with the AFL-CIO to bring AAPI workers the tools they need, in the languages they understand to organize their workplace. These are just the first three resources, there will be more!