APALA Civic Engagement Programs Throughout The Nation
AAPI Civic Engagement Network
We are a national coalition of Asian American and Pacific Islander organizations and organizers. We engage AAPI communities on the 2020 Census, elections, and civic engagement. We do this by hosting community calls, supporting folks through 1 on 1's, and building the gateway to broader movements. Join us by signing up here. |
National Voter Registration Day
IAPALA continues our partnership with Alliance for Youth Action, Voto Latino, Non Profit VOTE, League of Women Voters, Fair Elections Legal Network, and Rock The Vote as the working group responsible for coordinating, growing and elevating National Voter Registration Day (NVRD). We are happy to note that NVRD has been solidified as a national holiday with the help of thousands of volunteers, hundreds of organizations, and a presence in all 50 states in every form of U.S. media. In its third year of existence, the 2015 NVRD recruited 2,263 partners, 10,802 volunteers and registered 154,500 voters online and in the field on Tuesday, September 22, 2015. We are particularly proud that we made 1,018,471,102 unique media impressions and 341,362,713 social media impressions. To become a partner in 2020, please sign up here. Every Vote Counts When initiatives are taken to help AAPIs register to vote such as creating voter education materials in multilingual handouts and mobilizing those who are already registered to vote, the potential turn out can result in monumental changes for the nation and other marginalized communities. The “Every Vote Counts” campaign connects with AAPI community leaders to become participants in the political process. The campaign furthers our mission by supporting AAPI involvement in electoral and issue campaigns at the local, state, and national level. To register to vote, please click here. To request your absentee ballot, please click here. |